
Frozen Yogurt Covered Blueberries

These yogurt covered blueberries are probably in the top five for simplest healthy recipes and they’re so tasty! My almost two-year old Reagan is obsessed with them and tries to open the freezer to snag herself a few.

The only two ingredients you’ll need are a pint of blueberries and a 5-6 ounce container of Greek yogurt. (I used the non fat blueberry one from Trader Joe’s.)

Now I’ve seen this recipe done a couple ways. One of the ways is to pick up each blueberry on the end of a toothpick, dip and swirl it in the yogurt, and carefully slide it off the toothpick onto the wax paper…

I don’t know about you, but if I’m going to make a simple recipe, I want it to be simple and fast. So I changed it up and simplified it quite a bit.

Start by washing your blueberries. We have one of these mini colanders and they’re perfect for when you just need to wash a small amount of fruit.

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Next, instead of individually dipping each blueberry, I just mixed all of the berries with all of the yogurt in a large bowl.

Instead of all the poking, dipping, swirling, now I was able to just scoop the blueberries out on a fork and drop them onto a cookie sheet covered in wax paper. They may not be as uniform as if I dipped each one, but to me that trade off was absolutely worth it.

Pop these little guys into the freezer for about an hour. Then transfer them to a ziplock bag or storage container and store in the freezer. Pull out a few for snack or as a little treat.


Important note: If you are serving these to a child, don’t forget that these are frozen, therefore they are hard. Please take necessary precautions to avoid choking. Only give them to children with all of their teeth who are able to chew hard things. I avoid giving my daughter the larger ones since they are harder for her to bite into. 


Blueberries Pin

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4 thoughts on “Frozen Yogurt Covered Blueberries

  1. Going to make these today! Will mush them a teeny bit with the fork for a flat berry to prevent choking until my little one is a bit older and will keep the whole ones for myself 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!


    1. That’s a great idea to make them more little-friendly!! Enjoy! These don’t last long in our house. ☺️


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